Schooled connects prospective students with current students at the universities they are considering who shared similar interests to get a feel for what college is really like.
React Native
Google Cloud Platform
Google Maps API

We conducted over 200 customer discovery interviews with prospective students, current students, and parents to understand the problems they were facing.
After learning that prospective families had issues with getting the clarity they needed to make a college decision, we began to offer personalized tours to families who were visiting Georgia Tech.
We did this via a Calendly link advertised on Facebook and even approaching families who had just finished their admissions tours. After offering our tours, we would give families a link to a GoFundMe if they felt that our tour was worth paying for. Families paid us an average of over $50 per tour.
We built a mobile app that allowed prospective students to get matched with current students at their dream schools and schedule a personalized tour of the campus. The app had the functionality to schedule tours, chat with current students, and process payments as well as a matching algorithm based on interests.
For a version of the app that would be sold to admissions departments, we also built out a web app that allowed administrators to manage their students and their tours.