StrobeLite Sports Training
StrobeLite is a perceptual cognitive training app that allows athletes to train their brain to react faster and make better in-game decisions.
React Native

I was an aspiring college basketball player who was always looking for ways to improve my game. Because I was willing to do whatever it took to get better, I found myself in the gym by myself a lot.
The difficulty with working out by yourself is that you don't have anyone to push you, and you don't have anyone to compete against. I wanted to create a way to bring my workouts closer to the intensity that I would experience with a personal trainer or a teammate. I also noticed that a lot of trainers would have their athletes doing pre-set drills that didn't really translate to the game.
I wanted to create a way to make workouts more game-like and more fun. After reading a research paper on perceptual cognitive training, I realized that this was my opportunity to solve both of these problems.
I built a mobile app that allowed athletes to train their brain while they train their body. The app allows you to select different visual stimuli and assign them to different movements. After setting up the duration of the workout, as well as the rest time between each flash, StrobeLite randomly serves you the colors, forcing the athlete to react to them in real-time.
The app also features community videos, where users can share their workouts for each respective sport. StrobeLite has over 5,000 downloads and was featured on SportTechie. Nowadays, there are many apps that offer perceptual cognitive training, but StrobeLite was the first to market.